June 28, 2024

Some companies like to be seen as the bad guys.

They have a reputation for being unreasonable, and it seems they do everything to maintain this image.

Odd selection methods, outrageous demands on people, constant turnover, disregard for moral and ethical standards, etc.

They are always looking for people, sifting through the market for "their own."

And, strangely enough, they find them.

Despite this, they generally do well, and sometimes they are even market leaders.

How do they manage it?
Founder charisma, thinking outside the box, willingness to take risks, charging ahead fearlessly.

They believe rules are for the weak, and they alone decide what’s right and wrong.

I call them "pirates." Generally unpleasant characters, but in some ways more successful than the proper and decent.

Working with them won’t make you better, but it might teach you something: how to take things by storm, break boundaries, and live for yourself.