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There is no limit to perfection

June 20, 2024

When you decide that you've reached perfection in your field, consider it the beginning of the end.

It won't be long before others start surpassing you. Frozen like a statue, you'll quickly begin to deteriorate and eventually topple from your pedestal.

Self-improvement is the key to a healthy and successful career, not just useful connections and networking as some might think.

Maintaining a critical attitude towards your abilities is a strong stance that will prove most beneficial in the long run.

This is especially crucial in roles where keeping up with new technologies and changes in methodology is fundamentally important to stay ahead.

And it’s particularly relevant for those who have been in their field for about 20 years and start to think they know and can do everything, and it can’t get any better.

Even more so for those who have just started their journey but have already managed to "catch a star." Throw it away immediately and continue to hone your craft.

Champions always stay in shape and don’t allow themselves to lose it. And when they relax, well, you know what happens to them.